Legislative Prayer Breakfast

Quote from Dr. Digby:

“The ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ is problematic for four reasons. Marriage is the oldest and foundational institution that Jehovah God set forth in the Bible. The content of this legislation shows total disrespect for anyone who has a Bible World View. I understand there are issues we must tolerate, but the liberal leadership of our nation is forcing us to condone their viewpoint. So much for toleration being a two-way street. Freedom of Religion will be damaged and curtailed by this bill. No ‘Christian’ can support this bill.

“The second issue is the name of the bill – an out-and-out lie put forth by a bunch of anti-God politicians. The third issue is the ‘Rino’ Republicans who have crossed over to support this bill. They may be from ‘purple’ states, but they are ‘yellow.’ They might as well be liberal. I appreciate our two senators, Roger Wicker and Cindy Hyde-Smith, and our three conservative representatives at the time, Trent Kelly, Michael Guest, and Steven Palazzo, standing firm against this legislation. The crossover vote is what necessitated the attempt to amend the bill – but the liberals would have no part in trying to protect our religious Liberty that this bill will damage.

“Finally, this legislation is being pushed through by leadership with a slim majority in both bodies. This narrow majority in the House is lame duck. This is the real threat to ‘democracy’ – ignoring the results of November 8. More Christians must stand up and speak up, or our nation will be lame duck.”

21 Day Prayer Guide October 19 – November 8, 2022

Kenny Digby talks post Roe v Wade and what churches can do

Day of Prayer and Fasting Guide

“The Equality Act totally ignores our Biblical Worldview. God created ‘male and female’ in the beginning. Life begins at conception. The Equality Act will force individuals, churches, and agencies to violate their Biblical convictions on both issues. The Hyde Amendment will be negated, allowing our tax money to fund abortions. The safety and well-being of girls and women will be threatened – whether in a shelter for abused women or a locker room for girls. The legislation is not only immoral, it is ignorant.”
Dr. Kenny Digby
Executive Director-Treasurer
Christian Action Commission

“Let not your heart be troubled”

Dr. Kenny Digby speaks to the new flag design on the Paul Gallo Show

Dr. Digby speaks after the state flag vote on Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020. He begins speaking around the 2 minute mark. (Click link below)

Dr. Digby’s address to the MS Baptist Convention 2019:

Dr. Digby’s address to the MS Baptist Convention 2019:

Click image above to view the Church handbook page for 2020

Dr. Digby’s address to the MS Baptist Convention: